Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2015

Αερόστατα πετάνε ψηλά στον ουρανό!

I saw a hot air balloon flying over my house: 

Most of the time, it was as quiet as a mouse, 
But, every so often, its burners suddenly roared, 
And higher, up into the sky, it suddenly soared.

My excitement, I found hard to keep at bay, 
As, a hot air balloon, you don't see every day.
A passenger balloon floating through the air, 
For me, is so special, as the sight is so rare.

The sight of the balloon, filled me with delight, 
And I stood watching it, until it flew out of sight.
My eyes were stuck to the balloon, just like glue, 
As it floated across a sky of cornflower blue.

I wonder what it's like to float through the sky, 
Watching the world down below gliding on by.
I've always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon: 
I hope I will one day, and I hope that it's soon.

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